Kapiti Chess Club - Promoting The Art Of Chess
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Events & Results

Our calendar can change from time to time during the year so it’s useful to check regularly.

2024 Calendar       Click on the event to see results
13 FebOpening night.  AGM and casual chess
20 Feb-27 FebFreebird Trophy – Series 1 (10m + 5s)
5 Mar-26 MarLeo Eichholtz Board (25m + 5s)
2 AprBlitz Cup – Series 1 (3m + 2s)
9 Apr-16 AprFreebird Trophy – Series 2 (10m + 5s)
23 Apr-14 MayWinter Cup – Series 1 (25m + 5s)
29 AprilInterclub match with Upper Hutt
8 Jun30th Kāpiti Open (25m + 5s)
21 May-2 JulKingston Memorial Trophy (55m + 5s)
9 Jul-16 JulFischer Random tournament (10m + 5s)
23 Jul-13 AugWinter Cup – Series 2 (25m + 5s)
20 AugBlitz Cup – Series 2 (3m + 2s)
Aug (TBC)5th Kāpiti Junior Open
27 Aug-3 SepFreebird Trophy – Series 3 (10m + 5s)
10 Sep-1 OctSpring “Play Something Different” Tournament
8 OctTeams match or “hand and brain” tournament (TBC)
15 Oct-10 DecChamp Championship (90m+30s)
12 NovBlitz Cup – Series 3 (3m + 2s)
17 DecFinal Club night – Prizegiving and social chess

The Kāpiti Open

The Kāpiti Junior Open

About our events and trophies, including past winners

Past years
2023   2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2006-2017