Kapiti Chess Club - Promoting The Art Of Chess
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End of Junior Term 2, Kingston decided

In term 2, the Junior Club ran a Rapid Swiss event to prepare students for the Wellington Interschool events. It ensured that our members were familiar with the rules and etiquette, particularly around the use of chess clocks. The tournament was split into a Senior and Junior sections. In the junior section, 22 players were registered for the five round event which was won by Ronan with a perfect 5 points from 5 games, in second place on tie-break, was Noah and third place Tautua both on 4 points (see photo). Congratulations to all.

In the Senior Club, the final round was played in the 2024 Kingston Memorial tournament this week. Ross needed a win or draw to secure the distinctive clock trophy, while a loss would see David P take it out after he won his last round against Robert. However, Ross was up against current Club Champion Gordon, and in what proved to be probably the battle of the tournament, the outcome was not decided until after all other games had finished and the final minutes remained on each others clocks. Gordon sacrifices his knight for several pawns and great attacking play on Ross’s King. It looks promising for Gordon, but Ross defends well, and when Queens come off and a pawn race follows, and with less a minute to play, a slip by Gordon allows Ross the win and the tournament. Final results here.